
Orders are normally processed and shipped in 3 business days. After the order is processed, the package(s) will be delivered within 5-7 business days.
  • Orders with Expedited shipping request (if available) are expected to be processed and delivered within 2-4 business days. 
  • Pre-order products (if available) will be shipped by the date listed in the product variant name.
  • Orders with multiple items may ship separately from different warehouses.
  • Once a package is shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email with tracking number.
  • If you need help in tracking your package, please DM or email us at



Order Total Standard
5-7 business days
2-4 business days
Up to $49.99 $5 $20
$50-$99.99 $10 $20
$100-$199.99 $15 $35
$200-$399.99 $29 $59
$400-$799.99 $49 $109
$800 and up $79 $179

*Expedited Shipping option is not available for orders over $1200 at present.


SHIPPING RATES - To AK, HI & Territories

Order Total Standard
7-12 business days
Up to $49.99 $10
$50-$99.99 $25
$100-$199.99 $50
$200-$399.99 $90
$400-$799.99 $170
$800 and up $240

*Expedited Shipping option is not available for non-contiguous areas.


> Related Content: Returns & Exchanges